The Importance Of Having A Professional Dress Code At Your Workplace

Important tips on your professional dress code, to look and feel good at your work environment regardless of your job role.

How to Easily Edit a Resume Anytime Needed

Utilize current technologies and a mobile device to quickly and efficiently revise your resume.

The History of Voice Recognition Software

The VR technology has a long, proud and interesting history. Here is a brief review.

Start Your Dream Career Today (Left)

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

Description :

The heat of a bomb blast or IED explosion is so intense that it can fry the skin of any troop unlucky to be near. If service members are wearing camo paint, the consequences can be even worse: most makeup is oil or wax-based and can ignite instantly in a flash of heat and pressure. 

Camouflage makeup can do more than hide soldiers from their enemies though. Yeap, this camo paint brings a new era in shielding soldiers from heat threat.

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

This new form of a heat reflective camouflage paint shields soldiers faces in the field from the searing heat of those bomb blasts. This Next - Generation Makeup was developed by Robert Lochhead and a team from the University of Southern Mississippi, US, at the direction of the Department of Defense

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

The paint replaces its traditional carbon base with silicone that is non-flammable and can absorb heat - A chemical challenge to develop. The change means that just a thin layer of camouflage face paint could not only help soldiers escape detection, but prevent burn injuries and facial scarring from run-ins with explosives. 

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

The heat-resistant makeup not only provides protection from the searing temperatures of roadside bomb blasts and other explosions but it could also safeguard firefighters from more serious burns.

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

It keeps the left-hand strip at below 100°C after 10s under a blowtorch, whereas the unprotected strip reaches 400°C. Check out the video!

Feel free to Like, Share & Comment!

*by andreascy*

Office Webinar : Previewing Word 2013

Description : 

You can now sign up for a Preview of the new Office Web Apps. In this week's Webinar, we'll spin the wheels of Word 2013, something you can also do right now during the free Customer Preview. We'll show you some new features and improvements. Get the references and links for this webinar at :

This is a recording of an Office 15-Minute Webinar. Doug Thomas hosts these free how-to tidbits from the help writers. See how to watch these webinars live and participate in a Q&A session :

Learn more about the new Office 2013 and see it in action on Windows 8.

Check also a Preview of the new Office and even more Office Webinars on our website and on our Office Webinars E-Book.

*by andreascy*

Office Webinar : Back to School Stuff for Students and Teachers

Description : 

In this webinar, we'll show you a few tools and advice for your computer as you - or ones you love - head back at school. We also have some advice for teachers (by students) about using PowerPoint and a few free things and discounts to share. Get the references and links for this webinar at

This is a recording of an Office 15-Minute Webinar. Doug Thomas hosts these free how-to tidbits from the help writers. See how to watch these webinars live and participate in a Q&A session :

Also we recommend other similar PowerPoint topics :

Office Webinar : PowerPoint 2010 tips and tricks

Office Webinar : Better PowerPoint Presentations

Office Webinar : Working with photos in PowerPoint & Word

Office Webinar : Keyboard Shortcuts

Comment below what you'd like to learn further from these Webinars. Check also even more Office Webinars on our Blog and on our Office Webinars E-Book.

*by andreascy*

Access 2013 - Manageability

Description : 

Access 2013 Preview significantly improves the manageability and scalability of Access applications. Compatibility with Microsoft Office 365 and SQL Azure significantly expand the reach of Access applications. 

Steve Greenberg, a Program Manager Lead on Microsoft's Access Team, talks on this short video about the advantages of working with SQL Azure and Office 365.

Check also :

Create, Deploy & Manage Collaborative Web-Based Applications with Access 2013 Preview

Deep Dive into Windows Azure Storage

*by andreascy*

Office Webinar : Preview the new Office

Description :

In this webinar, we ll present to you a preview of the new Office. It's not only new, it integrates the latest advances in technology to make it easier for you to work and communicate. Today, we'll step through the process of signing up for the preview (on up to 5 of your devices). Get the references and links for this webinar at

This is a recording of an Office 15-Minute Webinar. Doug Thomas hosts these free how-to tidbits from the help writers. See how to watch these webinars live and participate in a Q&A session :

If you liked this Webinar check also other related topics to the new Office :

Kindly comment below your experience with the upcoming Office and feel free to discover even more Office Webinars on our website and on our Office Webinars E-Book.

*by andreascy*

RubberBand the Smartphone App that Can Help Teachers Keep Track of Wandering Kids

Description : 

A new smartphone app, RubberBand, was featured in a New Scientist teaser piece this month. The article details the new app as a tool to help teachers keep track of kindergarteners. The app works by tracking children that stray from a group. If you have ever been to a museum you can probably appreciate the kind of fear that a teacher in charge of dozens encounters. If a child just moves past a wall at an exhibit, they are then out of sight.

Following one child into another room, when in charge of so many, is not an option. The technology works with the user attaching sensors to those that need tracked. The software which is controlled from a smartphone, tracks each of those sensors by measuring the signal strength. So if one of those sensors moves out of range it will alert the user with an alarm.

There are some reservations for this new app. The article mentions attaching the sensor to a child's backpack. This would be a concern for many parents as backpacks can be left behind on a school bus or just lost. A more thoughtful approach is needed if teachers and parents are expected to invest in this software. Perhaps putting the sensor on an item not so obvious, like a zipper pull, a belt loop or an inside pocket. 

Also there is the matter of giving a caretaker permission to be complacent. In the article a kindergarten teacher is quoted to have breathed a sigh of relief because they felt less stressed with having the technology. But complacency can be cultured with any kind of fix and this should only be used as a back up measure. Classes are overflowing and kids will continue to go on class trips. This means teachers must be vigilant and head counts must be done.

Several other uses come to mind outside of education. For instance, children in any situation can be tracked this way. For example at camp, for babysitters at functions, large parties, venues, extracurricular activities and at family outings like theme parks. Even keeping a handle on grandma is optimal. She might not always be found at Yankee Candle. Basically, this app can help anyone who needs to keep tabs on a dozen or so. The uses are endless.

The RubberBand app is made by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon in the Republic of Korea. Anyone looking for more information can contact them via email at hjjang, sungwon, inseok, chanyou, or you can also contact the Intel representative at:

The app is due to be debuted this September at a conference in Pittsburgh, PA. More information on when it will go to market should be available at that time.

*by andreascy*

Why More Schools are Choosing E-Books over Print Textbooks

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Even a decade ago, the thought of using e-Books in the classroom seemed like science fiction. Now, more and more public schools are choosing to buy e-Readers instead of print textbooks. E-Books are becoming popular even at the middle and grade school level, where children have traditionally used workbooks and similar tools.

Why More Schools are Choosing E-Books over Print Textbooks

Transitioning to e-Books is a logical choice for many schools. In a world where many students attend online colleges and use digital reference books, it just makes sense to buy e-Books.

Here are the most common reasons schools are switching to electronic texts.


The great thing about e-Books is they cost a lot less than print books. Even with the same edition, an e-Book is typically less expensive than the paper version. That means when you’re buying hundreds of textbooks for a school, e-Books save you a lot of money. The price of the initial e-Reader will barely make a dent in these savings.


Electronic textbooks are also convenient for students. Instead of having to lug around half a dozen heavy textbooks, students only have to carry one slim e-Reader.

Using e-Books makes it easier for students to remember all of the materials needed to complete homework. The end of the school day is a busy time for students. Many have limited time to collect supplies before running to catch the bus.

Rather than having to worry about which books they’ll need, students can just take home their e-Reader. This means that with e-Books, students will miss fewer homework assignments and remember to study more often.


Many students experience back and shoulder pain from all the books they have to tote around. Experts say students shouldn’t carry more than one tenth of their body weight on their backs, but this often isn’t possible. Smaller children could exceed their recommended weight limit with just a few books. If students have to carry books for multiple subjects or have a lot of homework, their backpacks could weigh 20 or 30 pounds.

In contrast with print textbooks, many e-Readers weight less than a pound. This means e-Books are safer for children to use.


Today’s schools are becoming more and more concerned with protecting the environment. Many districts have started recycling and are using eco-friendly cleaning products to keep their schools green. Others have installed energy-efficient windows to help cut electricity usage. Using e-books would continue these schools’ environmental initiatives. Since one e-Reader replaces dozens of textbooks, it saves a lot of trees from being cut down.

Tools for Study

With paper books, students can’t mark up the text, since pens and highlighters damage the pages. In contrast, students can highlight important passages on the screen of their e-Readers. This can really save time when they’re studying; rather than rereading long chapter, students need only review their highlights. Many electronic textbooks also have optional study guides students can use to prepare for a big exam.

Now that you’ve learned more about e-Books, you might want to see if your school district is thinking about making the switch! Let us know down below your good ideas. Also make sure to LIKE and subscribe!

*by andreascy*

The Tomorrow Project : Conversations about Synthetic Biology

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The Tomorrow Project

- What kind of future do you want to live in? 

- What future do you want to avoid? 

The Tomorrow Project is an International Program that explores our possible futures through fact-based, Science-based fiction and video conversations with Scientists and Science fiction authors, legends and world renowned experts, passionate advocates and everyday people. 

The Tomorrow Project : Conversations about Synthetic Biology

Science fiction gives all of us all a language so that we can have a conversation about the future and these conversations make dramatic changes.

The Tomorrow Project : Conversations about Synthetic Biology

On today's topic Designer, Researchers and Scientists Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Christina Agapakis and Patrick Boyle are in conversation with Intel Consumer Experience Architect - Futurist Brian David Johnson about Synthetic Biology.

Synthetic What?

Synthetic Biology is a new area of Biological Research and Technology that combines Science and Engineering. It encompasses a variety of different approaches, methodologies, and disciplines with a variety of definitions.The common goal is the Design and Construction of new Biological Functions and Systems not found in Nature.

The Scientists who engage in Synthetic Biology research approach the creation of new Biological system from different perspectives, focusing on finding how life works (the origin of life) or how to use it to benefit society. 

The Tomorrow Project : Conversations about Synthetic Biology

The former focus includes the approach of Biology, inserting man-made DNA into a living cell; and Chemistry, working on gene synthesis as an extension of Synthetic Chemistry. The latter focus includes Engineering, building the new Biological System as a platform for various Technologies; and rewriting, rebuilding the natural systems to provide the Engineered surrogates.

The Tomorrow Project : Conversations about Synthetic Biology

The advance of synthetic biology relies on several key enabling technologies provided at ever increasing speed and lower cost. DNA sequencing, fabrication of genes, modeling how synthetic genes behave, and precisely measuring gene behavior are essential tools in synthetic Biology. Enjoy the video!

Learn more about Synthetic Biology by checking also the .PDF file below:

*by andreascy*

The U.S. Apple Store Went Down - Here we go

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The U.S. Apple Store is currently down which could signal that new Apple products are about to be launched. Unlike previous times it's gone down though, there is no note announcing that the store is down - just that the browser can't reach the store. 

The sign on the Store says : “We’re busy updating the Apple Store for you and will be back soon.”

It’s possible that Apple is simply fixing some technical glitches.

Whatever the reason is, it'll be a few short hours until we know more details. Once it gets back up, we will let you know about the changes.

UPDATE : Apple Store is online again.

*by andreascy*

Live2D - Interactive 3D animation of 2D images

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Live2D, developed by Cybernoids and presented by DigInfoTV, is the world's first drawing technology to enable 3D rendering of 2D images. This technology supports a variety of portable consoles and smartphones, and Live2D is already being utilized for games that take advantage of the unique characteristics of hand drawn artwork. 

"In 3D, the unique attractions of 2D art like Osamu Tezuka's can't be rendered properly. But with Live2D, we've worked to enable smooth 3D motion using entirely the original 2D drawings. So, this system makes the graphics appear exactly as the creator intended."

"When the face turns sideways, you can show perfectly how the eyelashes and eyes move. You can also use the tools to work more easily and efficiently. This can be done in all kinds of ways, with all kinds of emphasis, depending on what the creator wants to do. This technology is an extension of drawing, so it works best if the creator has a good artistic sense."

The Live2D creation tools are available in two versions, supporting content creation using either polygons or vectors. A 3D engine is used to power the polygon based version, so it can achieve fast, fluid motion even on mobile devices.

Currently, Live2D is used mainly for dialog-type games with limited movement. But over the next year or two, Cybernoids aims for the tools to evolve to a point where the motions of the characters can be rendered through 360 degrees.

"We're aiming for this technology to be used worldwide, hopefully creating a market for revolving graphics in 2D, like with 3D. So, our goal is for this technology to become a de facto standard worldwide."

If you liked our article kindly share it to your social circles and comment below. Discover even more from DigInfoTV

*by andreascy*

Watch Out : China Will Soon Dominate Online Shopping

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What's up everyone? 

Online shopping has become a way of life for many of us in the developed world

Watch Out : China Will Soon Dominate Online Shopping

Rather than heading out to a brick and mortar store to buy things, people turn to the internet to provide them with a veritable cornucopia of consumer goods - clothes, electronics, even groceries, usually in much greater variety and significantly less expensive than traditional stores. 

In short, online shopping has come to dominate our consuming practices over the past decade. 

Winners and Losers of Ecommerce

As with any emerging market or technology, there are winners and there are losers when it comes to online shopping. The losers have largely been the brick and mortar businesses that have refused to adapt, becoming irrelevant as their customers flocked to the internet. The winners have been companies that took the initiative and aggressively pursued online customers. And while the United States has been the epicenter of the tech revolution, we’re poised to see our dominance in this arena start to slip over the next few years. And who’s going to pick up the slack? Only one of the world’s fastest growing, largest economies - China

China’s Ecommerce Stats

According to Lauren Indvik on, online shopping in China generated $121 billion in sales last year, and that number is expected to triple through 2015. By then, China’s online spending is projected to be 20% higher than it will be in the United States, coming in at roughly $420 billion. At that point, ecommerce is expected to make up 8% of all retail sales in China. 

Why China?

So what exactly is driving this intense growth? Population is a huge factor. China has 1.34 billion people, and though it’s still a developing country, it’s also becoming increasingly upwardly mobile. Those living in the massive, sprawling urban areas generally have access to some form of internet, and the tech infrastructure is constantly improving. The Chinese economy is also booming, which means more and more people have some disposable income these days. In fact, the Chinese middle class is expected to grow from 200 million people to 800 million over the next 20 years. All those freshly made middle class folks are going to spend at least some of their money online. 

Challenges of the Future

With all Chinese ecommerce has going for it, there are still some major limitations that will need to be addressed in the future. The first is that, much like in the early days of online shopping in the U.S., Chinese consumers must be extremely wary of fraud and subpar or counterfeit goods, and have a difficult if not impossible time returning merchandise. Another major hurdle is the lack of consistent internet access for much of China’s populace -14% of Chinese consumers shop online, while 54% of Americans do. While this might seem like a small percentage, however, it’s important to remember that 14% of 1.3 billion is still a considerable number. 

If the Chinese economy continues to grow as projected, we can expect to see China dominating online shopping very soon, and, one suspects, for a very long time. If the United States wants to stay competitive, we have to ramp up our innovation and hone and innovate our ecommerce software in order to attract online shoppers from around the world - especially China.

Like our post? Get our news, Everywhere!

*by andreascy*

Dedicated Office Space in Colocation Centers

Description : 

Many colocation centers offer their customers dedicated office space. This is critical for businesses that need temporary office space for day-to-day operations. 

Benefits to Dedicated Office Space

Not only do colocation facilities offer supreme security but they also provide access to a robust network. It is worthwhile for a company to find a colocation center that offers dedicated office space, private conference rooms and even amenities like showers. It should look for a facility that provides workspace dedicated solely to its business. This makes it easy to conduct daily operations without distractions or security concerns from anyone else. 

Dedicated Office Space in Colocation Centers

These office spaces are absolutely invaluable during times of disaster. If a company’s normal place of operation is unusable or destroyed, it can relocate to a secure data center. This keeps downtime to a minimum or even eliminates it all together. Also, if a company simply is growing beyond its capacity and needs temporary office space, it can look to data centers to fill that need. Businesses that do not have a physical office can also use data center office space. The dedicated space can give them a temporary home base or conference rooms to hold important meetings. 

Location can be Key

If a colocation service does offer dedicated office space, another factor to consider is location. It is best if the colocation facility is located out of disaster areas such as flood zones, coastal regions or tornado paths. A colocation facility is of no use if it is located in a dangerous area. It is important that a data center stay in operation even if a company’s home location is destroyed. Data centers must offer a secure, stable environment in case of emergency or natural disaster.

Dedicated Office Space in Colocation Centers

In addition, companies might want to choose a location that allows them to meet with visitors, employees or clients. Being close in proximity to airports or travel hubs and hotels and restaurants is beneficial. 

Security Systems and Features 

Keeping mission-critical applications secure is of the utmost importance. If a colocation service is offering dedicated office space, its security measures are critical. Various companies will be hosting their information in the same facility. So, understanding the security process is important for peace of mind. Ideally a colocation facility would host 24-hour security, seven days a week throughout the year. Cages and cabinets should be equipped with individual locking mechanisms and/or biometric scanners. Moreover, having sophisticated alarm and surveillance systems in place is also crucial. Secure loading docks and manned points of entry are ideal. Well-lit and secure parking lots for customers, visitors and employees are also a needed feature.

Dedicated Office Space in Colocation Centers

Dedicated office space is often a perk of colocation centers. However, there are those that find these services a requirement of any colocation package. Just because a company may not need an off-site office at the moment doesn’t mean the need won’t arise in the future. Companies shouldn’t leave themselves open to the detriments of a disaster. They should locate a colocation partner that will help them cover all of their needs.

RELATED: Colocation Hosting for Improved Connectivity 

Colocation would be a great choice for many businesses in different industries. We encourage you to think about customizable solutions that are tailored to meet your needs. 

*by andreascy*

7 Tips to Creating a Useful Product Review

Description : 

Are you aware that most buyers would rather believe a user or consumer review of a product than the actual producer or manufacturer? This means that a well written product review will easily catch the attention of prospects and help you convert them to buyers. 

7 Tips to Creating a Useful Product Review

But how do you actually write compelling reviews? Please read on:

1. Start with a Brief Product Description

An effective product review should start with short overview of the product. Introduce your readers to the product so that you can catch their attention and so that they can be convinced that the rest of the review is worth reading.

2. Write about Who the Ideal Buyer Should Be

Just like every well written book begins with a preface, that tells you who the book was written for, your review should quickly let the reader know the type of user or consumer that the product is meant for. This will help the reader to develop more interest in the product once he or she knows it is meant for him or her.

3. List out the Key Features and Benefits of the Product

Summarize the key features and benefits of the product with a bullet list. You can easily get this done by referring to the manufacturer's sales page.

4. Summarize User or Buyer Experiences Including Yours

Now, this is probably the most important part of the review. Your readers will always be highly interested in reading the experiences other people have had with the product. Your own experience is however the most convincing (if you have used the product).

5. Add Pictures and Videos Where Applicable

As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Your readers will love to see images of the product. You may even go on to produce a short video of yourself or other people using the product. Seeing is believing.

6. List Out the Pros and Cons of Buying the Product

It is appropriate to give a summary of the pros and cons associated with any product under review. It is good to have a fair balance between the positives and negatives given about a product. An ideal proportion will be 70% positives and 30% negatives. It is also ideal to highlight some of the ways by which the negatives of the product can be overcome if the reader decides to buy the product.

7. Give a Call to Action

Finally, you should ask the reader to take a step towards buying the product. This is the reason why you took the time to write the review anyway. So, ask the reader to go ahead and click on a link that will either take him or her to a squeeze page where you can collect his or her email address or you can direct your prospect directly to the manufacturer's sales page.


These are seven of the most important things you need to do to create a useful product review that will convert prospects into buyers and help you earn your desired income. Please put them into practice.

RECOMMENDED REVIEW: Ten Gadgets that Will Make your Life so Much Easier

Stay healthy! Stay happy! ;)

*by andreascy*

Virtual Private Networking Helping With The Expansion Of Technology

Description : 

Technology is changing how people interact and do business. It has made businesses scratch their heads when they look at sales figures and have blown people away with its speed and growth. Technology is changing dramatically ever year. Every company is looking for ways to gain an upper hand.

Virtual Private Networking Helping With The Expansion Of Technology

Because of globalization, enterprises are looking to expand. This means that they will try and move offices and build new offices in different parts of the world. VPN Technology helps those businesses connect their offices. This gives business many advantages from saving space, time and financial resources.

Businesses Save Money With These Technologies

VPN technology helps business save money. They use their financial resources on other parts of the business. This could be more funding in the marketing sector or paying out higher salaries so that they can locate the best talent in the world. VPN technology helps companies save money on physical servers. They will not have to create space and purchase physical servers because VPN creates a virtual server. Businesses can produce a virtual work environment for their employees. This will allow them to share information. Employees can discuss information about the current market and how to move goods quickly. VPN technology also allows businesses to work on a secure network.

Protect Your Private Network With These Strategies

These services create a virtual tunnel when information is sent. This means that unauthorized figures can’t gain access to private information. When information is sent it is encrypted. Only authorized figures can decipher that information. This is one of the advantages to these services. Technology like Virtual Private Networking has been around for years. Because of the many options and tools these services are flexible and reliable. Intruders will not be able to access intellectual property. Businesses information is important for the growth and the ability to compete in the business world. Not only can you secure your network with VPN technology you can also change your IP address.

Gain A New IP Address

With this form of technology, you will be able to change your IP. Every time you visit a website you will receive a different IP address. This enables you to remain anonymous. VPN technology helps internet users protect their identity and bypass restrictions. Websites that are outside of your region will be available 24/7. Internet users will not have to worry about restrictions because of geographical limitations. This form of technology has servers located all over the world. This opens up the available regions in which internet users can visit websites.

Find The Best VPN Technology For Your Home Or Business

Locating the Right VPN service may be hard if you are new to the idea. There are a lot of services stating that their product gives you true anonymity. This technology is easy to purchase because of the low subscriptions needed. They are cost effective because they work on a variety of devices and routers. You can even use these services for your smartphone or IPad. Businesses use these services to connect their office in different parts of the world and gain new IP addresses. Employees can work on secure network and access any website in the world. Subscribe to VPN Services and learn more about this form of technology.

RECOMMENDED: Metro Ethernet - Its Uses And Benefits

Discover other interesting Business topics and let us know what you think. Follow us on Twitter for more.

*by andreascy*

Intel's IT Center Experts Tour : The Future of Enterprise IT

Description :

An Enterprise Information System is generally any kind of Computing System that is of "Enterprise Class". This means typically offering high quality of Service, dealing with large volumes of data and capable of supporting some large Organization ("an Enterprise"). 

It provides a Technology platform that enables Organizations to integrate and coordinate their Business processes, a single system that is central to the Organization and that ensures information can be shared across all functional levels and management hierarchies. Enterprise systems create a standard data structure and are invaluable in eliminating the problem of information fragmentation caused by multiple information systems within an Organization. 

A typical Enterprise information system would be housed in one or more data centers, would run Enterprise Software, and could include applications that typically cross organizational borders such as content management systems. 

You know technology’s evolving at breakneck speed. Dave Buchholz, Intel's Director of Consumerization and Principal Engineer IT, talks about the future of Enterprise IT and how Trends, Technology, and Influences are changing how IT will need to evolve over the next few years. 

He discusses trends such as Client Refresh, Mobility, Emerging Technologies, Virtualization, Big Data, and Visualization. 

Get Intel’s perspective of IT, where it’s going, and what it means for your Business in a series of timely, actionable presentations and demonstrations by Intel experts. Ask the questions that matter to you, and find out specifically how changing technology will impact your company by Registering below! 

Note : The above video has been edited for time purposes. For the full presentation and for even more Bookmark Intel® IT Center Events.

*by andreascy*

Finesse Icon Pack: 125 Excellent Icons Now Available for Purchase!

Description : 

Icons are everywhere on the web. In most modern designs, they are used to not only complete our design but also to attract the user’s eye. Designers use icons to create breath-taking designs and decorate their desktop as well. 

Finesse Icon Pack: 125 Excellent Icons Now Available for Purchase!

Perhaps that is why we love those small indispensable graphical images so much, it’s an appreciation of the hard work, creativity, and talent of the designer.

Finesse Icon Pack: 125 Excellent Icons Now Available for Purchase!
Finesse Icon Pack: 125 Excellent Icons Now Available for Purchase!

Also, every application maker wants to make their application looks good. They not only want to improve their site's design but they also look after their customer's choices and technical factors. So, they use icons to increase the appearance of their application and give a better Service to their Customers. And this is very important! 

Finesse Icon Pack: 125 Excellent Icons Now Available for Purchase!

People who do this type of work professionally, they don't have such time to create each icon personally. So they prefer to buy authentic icons from a professional and at a reasonable price. Today, we present to you an example of this.

"Finesse Icon Pack"

Made by our talented friends Gaurav & Aditya Bhatt, a designing team that brings to you Beautiful Icons with Great Colors and a Unique Detailed Style. Icons for your Apps, Desktop, Docks, Concepts, Rainmeter, XWidget, for literally anything! 

Finesse Icon Pack: 125 Excellent Icons Now Available for Purchase!

Learn more from the Creator's Comments below:

- Over 120 XHDPI icons with a resolution of 100x100 in .PNG format.

- These icons can be used on any platform, mainly Android.

- Retailed at $1 (USD) only.

- You will be provided with :

• Free Updates

• Free Icon Requests

If you have any suggestions, queries or problems regarding this icon pack, please feel free to contact the creators.

Comment below if you would buy this pack or if you have any requests for icons. Don't forget to spread the word about it. 👍

*by andreascy*

Public Health Threats that Could Devastate Society

Description : 

The world has changed drastically since the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic. Ease of travel and the vast increase in the flow of information, not to mention the far more numerous world population, mean that public health threats can spread much more rapidly and in far different form than they did many years ago.

We have to worry about more than just germs these days. Public health officials concern themselves not only with natural diseases and their epidemiology, but with any threat that could interrupt health services and delivery of clean food and water to the general population.

Technology has created wonders in healthcare world, but it has also opened vulnerabilities our ancestors would have never imagined. From cyber and terrorist attacks that could disrupt power grids to bioengineered viruses that could spread at a terrifying rate due to the closeness of urban populations, public health officials are working to combat strange new contingencies every day.

10 Potentially Devastating Public Health Threats

For more infographics you will definitely love this section. Contact us if you want to feature yours too. 

*by andreascy* 

Print on the Go With The Free HP ePrint Mobile Printing App

Description :

Increasingly, work happens beyond the Office and outside of Business hours. And while employees are on the road or away from their desks, they need to print to stay productive - which means they need a convenient way to print on the go. 

HP ePrint is the essential app for printing from supported Smartphones to your HP printer. Whether at home, in the office or “on-the go”, easily print your digital content to your HP Printer via Wi-Fi or the Cloud

Also, easily print to thousands of HP ePrint Public Print Locations worldwide like airport lounges, hotels, print and copy stores, and libraries.

Public Print Locations include :

- FedEx Office stores

- The UPS Store locations

- Walmart Photo Centers (photos only)

- Many Hilton hotels (powered by PrinterOn)

- Many hotels, airline lounges, universities, public libraries and more (powered by PrinterOn)

With the free HP ePrint service app, it’s easy to discover a public location from your Smartphone. More than 90% of people using this app use the GPS capability to conveniently locate an HP ePrint Public Print Location nearby.

The app even includes a link to maps so you can get driving directions to the public print location if you are in an unfamiliar area.

To take advantage of thousands of HP ePrint Public Print Locations, download the free app by scanning the barcode below with your phone or clicking the appropriate link to download to your PC.

Note : Each HP ePrint Public Print Location has its own pricing policy. The availability of HP ePrint Public Print Locations varies.

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*by andreascy*

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